Here are 10 interesting things about the song tiao:
1. It has no door. U can jump out of the truck out of its back end anytime you want. At your own risk.
2. It has big rectangular cut-outs framed by metal stems for windows. These cannot be closed. If it rains, you just unroll a flap to cover the window opening.
3. It has only 2 long benches running along each side of the truck. There are only lower backrests but no head rest.
4. That means you can't really lean back to take a nap, coz the windows are directly behind you and you'll fall out.
5. The wind is so loud you can barely hear yourself when the truck is on the move. Definitely a strain to talk.
6. Do NOT stick your head, hand etc out of the window or you may risk loosing it.
7. The central portion of the truck have grass (the kindergarten sort) and foam mats laid out so commuters can have a picnic. ie. sit, recline, play guitar (which the locals did but not that you can hear it), eat snacks and sleep during the long journey.
8. Or you can curl up on the narrow and thinly padded benches if your are desperate enough to get a shut eye ( which me and many others did. At times like these, I thank God for my petite built.)
9. It can travel at no more then 70km/hr.
10. Hence, you snack like crazy on the truck coz minimal rests stops are preferred. Or else you'll never get home.
You will want to pray hard that the song tiao does not meet with any mishap coz very likely either
a) fly out of the rear end of the truck,
b) fly out of one of it cut-out windows
c) get get stuck in one of them if you're too fat.
One of the hyperactive kids, Christy, on board.
Me sitting at the cranial end of the truck so I got to rest my back for a bit.
My very shy translator, Kickapo, to help orientate me coz everybody hardly spoke a word of English.